Dinner table irreverence
May 23rd, 2006 by Accidental Thinker
My son is such a little ham. Lately, he’s taken to reminding us that we have to pray before dinner, if he thinks we have forgotten. (And I didn’t even know he’d been paying attention!) In return, I’ve begun sneaking peeks at him to discover just what the attraction is, from his preschool perspective. What I always witness is Noah with his eyes all squished and scrunched shut, bobbing his head around all over the place in what can only be described as a spot on imitation of Stevie Wonder. I have no idea what’s going through that little mind of his—probably nothing properly pious—but he’s clearly entertained by the ritual. It cracks me up, every single time.
Oh, oh. Wait till he figures out what a microphone is for. Then you will crack up!
Ya never know, he may have more faith than you can imagine. But its still cute!
That is adorable.
Awww…that’s so cute!
My ex converted from Christianity (Lutheran) to Atheism after we were married. We met in church, so I didn’t expect religion to be one of our relationship issues. Odd thing is, when my son is at his father’s house, they still pray before dinner. I realize it is merely a routine and it doesn’t MEAN anything to him. But still…
Hey, you’re back! And with mini- Stevie Wonder. Cute story Monique.
I can remember doing those Stevie Wonder moves while praying before Stevie was even born. I wouldn’t worry too much about the lack of Piety! ~ jb///
I love kids. They sure do keep you on your toes.
It’s been a while since I made it around to everyone I enjoy reading, hopefully life slows down and I can get back on a normal schedule of visiting all my favorites(of which you are one) !!!!! Noah sounds adorable, and who knows maybe he’s the next Stevie in training….LOL