A blogging milestone
May 12th, 2006 by Accidental Thinker
Congratulations to FTS for being in the right place at the right time, and achieving the distinction of leaving the 1000th comment in this humble blog. Let’s celebrate with all the usual pomp and circumstance. Your prize is, is, is… drumroll, please… this public proclamation of your accomplishment! I hereby officially confer on you the title of "Commenter Extraordinaire," with all its accompanying rights and privileges. You herewith possess the exclusive bragging rights for this honor.
Enjoy your new status and 15 minutes of fame. You’ve earned it. In no small part because you gave me a topic to blog about when I otherwise would not have had a post today. Just don’t let it go to your head, because as the blog owner giveth, so the blog owner can taketh away.
What did I win? Starbucks? Pie? A slap upside the head?
:~) Congratulations to you BOTH!
Man that guy is EVERYWHERE! But to the victor go the SPOILS! See you in Starbucks FTS… as for you Monique… congrats and I hope you had a VERY Happy Mother’s Day! ~ jb///
Congrats on your 1000th comment and to FTS for posting it. Just around the corner, 10,000!