The cleaning fairy strikes again?
Oct 7th, 2006 by Accidental Thinker
This past week, Maia was on fall break from school, so we took advantage of the opportunity for a little family vacation. It is no secret in my family that housekeeping is not exactly my forte, but prior to our departure on Monday, I did the unthinkable. I actually straightened up around the house. I was still decluttering even as my husband and kids were already loaded into the car, eager to get started toward our seafaring destination.
I did not realize what a shock it would be for my children to see our home in a relatively clutter-free state until we returned to the scene yesterday morning. Noah’s immediate reaction upon entering the living room was to exclaim, "Ama and Aitachu cleaned the house!" Ama and Aitachu (Basque for mother and father) are what my kids call my parents. I tried to explain to Noah that actually, his Daddy and I had done the cleaning. But he still insisted it was Ama and Aitachu. Our clean house could not register in his brain any other way. My son could not wrap his little mind around the fact that the people who inhabit this dwelling might actually tidy it up once in a while.
Woe is me. I have been setting a terrible example, haven’t I??
I’m with you…I hate the cleaning of the house…lol!
Recently separated, my friends were giving me a hard time for having a cleaning lady come in once a week. I reminded them of how I lived prior to being married, and they pondered as to whether once a week was enough!
Just found you through Bornfool…I actually studied instructional design (MA in New Media design & production) but am so out of the loop that most of the apps I learned are now obsolete!
I can so relate. The older I get.. the less I clean. 🙂
Not really! ~ jb///
Sounds familiar…
There is that “immediate gratification” side to cleaning – no? That’s a good thing. =0)
Hi. Thanks for stopping by and “catching up.”
That is so funny and cute. Especially that he didn’t believe you. That’s alright. It happens when your busy. A clean house isn’t the most important thing in the world.