Mar 30th, 2006 by Accidental Thinker
In just over one week, we will be making a big change in the lives of our children. We are moving them to a new daycare. The reasons are many, but it’s a sad moment for me, because we’ve been going to the same location for over seven years. Since Maia was a baby. At one time, she was the big fish in a small pond. Everyone knew her and loved her. The teachers gave her lots of individual attention. They made her, and every other kid, feel like their special favorite. I knew she was in excellent hands. At one time, I raved about our daycare and recommended it to everyone. I credited them with teaching Maia most of what she knew.
But things change. New ownership took over, and our experience has steadily declined. Our favorite teachers left. Long-time families have moved on. Noah is not getting the kind of individual attention he deserves. Whenever we are there, the teachers are talking to each other, not the kids. The classes are too large for such young ones. A crying child receives no attention or comforting words. Communication with non-English speaking teachers has become a concern. I’ve always been thrilled for my children to have exposure to other languages, but not at the expense of the development of their primary language, and not when we have a hard time communicating with the teachers to find out how Noah is doing. Sometimes I really wonder who is running the place. It didn’t used to be that way. But we’ve stuck it out, because my children were happy and used to the routine. We allowed ourselves to be content with the status quo. We’ve given the current owners every fair chance to learn from the exodus and turn things around to how it used to be. But Noah is reaching pre-school age, and he needs a foundation of love and learning, not a half-hearted babysitter.
In the new daycare, we are being reunited with a few of our most favorite teachers. They were thrilled to see us, and Noah will be in one of their classes. My kids are being reunited with former classmates. Maia has been with me twice to inspect the place and both times was greeted by hugs from friends she already knows there. I went in the other night to pay our deposit, and I felt very welcome. Everyone seems happy. At the old place, they know we’ve been restless. I’ve found myself avoiding the owner because of the constant (well-intentioned) attempts to sway us to stay. And any communication with the director just feels like an imposition. Last night she took it out on a fellow parent and good friend of ours because of our decision to leave. She’s leaving too, but it unfairly put her in an awkward position. Such things only reinforce our choice.
It’s time. Maia can’t wait, and Noah is so angelically easygoing about everything that I know he’ll adjust just fine. It couldn’t be any other way, with a teacher who already loves him.
You’d think the owners would get a clue with the mass exodus of teachers and clients.
Sounds like good changes, I hope they adjust well and like the new places.
Changing day cares is difficult, but it’s such an important decision. Especially when your uncomfortable dropping your kids off. Good choice.
Parenthood is so much more difficult than childhood!
That’s one of the best arguments I’ve seen for SAHMs. I hope all works out well for you and your family, though. (From all your other posts, I can tell you are great parents and have a well-balanced family.) God Bless.
They (your kids) will be fine as long as they are loved at home (as I’m sure they will be)! ~ jb///
Sometimes change is a good thing.